3 Benefits of Teaching Your Child About the Dentist Through Toys

January 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michael Rullo @ 4:01 pm
a parent reading to their child

The Canadian Dental Association recommends that your child visit a dentist within six months of their first tooth’s eruption, or by the age of one. As a parent, it can be difficult to prepare them for their appointment since the pediatric dental office will be a new, unfamiliar environment that can feel scary. One great way to help ease some of their anxiety is to introduce them to dentistry through toys! Read on to learn three benefits of teaching your child about what they can expect during their first pediatric dental visit through toys.

Expand Their Knowledge About Oral Health & Hygiene

Even though your child may visit the dentist at one, they likely won’t start receiving checkups and cleanings until they’re a little older. You can show them what a dentist does and what types of gadgets they use through play!

The Absotoothly Awesome playset and Super Smile Dentist Kit Playset allow your child to hold the same tools that their dentist will, helping them understand why they’re doing what they’re doing during their routine checkup and cleaning. This also allows them to understand the importance of keeping smiles clean and can encourage them to be more diligent about brushing and flossing in the future.

Help Them Feel More Relaxed at the Dental Office

It’s not uncommon for kids to feel anxious about visiting their dentist, even if it’s a fun pediatric dentist! If your child doesn’t know what to expect whenever they sit in the patient’s chair, it can make them feel vulnerable and scared. You can model being relaxed and comfortable in the treatment chair by allowing them to play as the dentist and you as the patient, showing them there’s nothing to worry about!

Promote Good Dental Hygiene

Dental toys that allow them to practice brushing their teeth and flossing before all of their pearly whites have grown in can help them build important oral hygiene skills that they’ll need in the future. Without a good routine, they could risk the development of cavities and other problems, but if they know the why’s and how’s of brushing, they could be more internally motivated to stick to it.

Introducing your child to their pediatric dentist through fun and imaginative ways, like toys and play, can help them have an overall better experience. As added benefits, your child will likely look forward to attending their checkups and cleanings, develop good oral hygiene habits, and feel more confident and comfortable in their smile.

About the Author

Dr. Michael Rullo completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery at Western University in London, Ontario, followed by his Pediatric Dental Residency in Ohio. As a father, he understands how difficult it can be to see your child feeling uncomfortable and anxious, which is why he specialized in the treatment of children with general and high anxiety, sensitivities, and physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities. He wants every child to feel comfortable in the treatment chair and is happy to accommodate their unique needs. For questions or to schedule an appointment for your child, visit Hamilton Pediatric Dental Care’s website or call 905-525-8272.