Will Thumb-Sucking Negatively Impact My Child’s Oral Health?

December 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michael Rullo @ 8:55 pm
child sucking their thumb

Many parents want to know if thumb-sucking is harmful to a child’s oral health. It’s natural to be curious, especially if your little one is continuing to practice this habit beyond their toddler years. The truth is that if it is allowed to continue, there could be potentially harmful effects that manifest through facial and oral development. A pediatric dentist explains why it’s best to stop this habit before it becomes a serious problem.

Why Is Thumb-Sucking Bad?

Babies and toddlers often turn to pacifiers or their fingers/thumbs to self-soothe. This is common and nothing to be worried about. However, there are reasons why you might find it more helpful to encourage your child to find comfort in alternative objects such as a stuffed toy or blanket (if they’re old enough).

The reason thumb-sucking should be closely monitored and eventually stopped is because of the damage that can occur to a child’s facial development. When engaging in this habit at the age of four, five, or six, the thumb presses against the back of the upper row of teeth. Over time, it can cause these pearly whites to protrude, resulting in an overbite or even an open bite, which means the front upper and lower teeth do not come into contact with each other when your child’s mouth is closed. It can also cause what is known as “bucked teeth.”

Should these problems arise, you may notice that your child begins to have difficulty eating, speaking, or even breathing at night. They can also lead to a lack of self-confidence depending on the age of your child.

Other potentially harmful issues that can occur include improper jaw and facial development, speech impediments, and mouth breathing, which is commonly linked to sleep-breathing disorders.

What Can Be Done to Break the Habit?

If you’re looking for ways to help your child break their thumb-sucking habit, the first step is to speak with their pediatric dentist and schedule an appointment. It is here that you will discover helpful tips to reduce and eventually stop the harmful practice before they reach the age of four. Stopping your child from sucking their thumb might seem like an impossible feat; however, there are ways to achieve success without causing them to become distraught, such as:

  • Offering praise when they avoid sucking their thumb
  • Helping them become more aware of what causes them to suck their thumb and kindly reminding them to stop when they are doing it
  • Providing an alternative object (i.e., stuffed animal, toy, blanket) they can use when feeling overwhelmed or scared
  • Giving your child something to do with their hands so that they are less likely to suck their thumb

Helping your child overcome this habit doesn’t have to be a fit to the finish. Instead, talk with their pediatric dentist to identify positive and encouraging ways to stop the practice and avoid future dental problems.

About the Practice
At Hamilton Pediatric Dental Care, patients can expect nothing but the very best. Complete with three highly skilled and trained pediatric dentists who enjoy and remain passionate about the treatment of young smiles, they offer a fun and welcoming environment. This makes it much easier for children to feel at ease. If you are interested in finding a dental office for your little one, contact us via the website or (905) 525-8272.