3 Easy-to-Follow Steps for When Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Michael Rullo @ 10:55 pm
a child with a knocked-out tooth in Hamilton

If your child suddenly experiences a displaced tooth, the world might seem to come to a screeching halt. But you have no reason to panic, as help is readily available at your child’s dentist in Hamilton! Here are three easy-to-follow steps for when your child unexpectedly loses a tooth so that you’re quickly getting their smile the urgent care it needs.

Step #1: Calmly Assess the Situation

Perhaps the most important thing to remember when your child suffers any type of dental emergency, especially a knocked-out tooth, is to stay calm! This won’t just allow you to think clearly about the situation and respond quickly; it will set an example for your child and help to relieve any stress they might be experiencing.

You should also make sure that your child has not sustained any additional injuries. If their mouth is bleeding, you can have them bite down on a piece of gauze or a clean washcloth soaked in water; this acts as a compress in the area of the lost tooth and helps with swelling and bleeding.

Step #2: Locate & Protect the Tooth

Baby teeth and permanent teeth alike can be knocked out, but since baby teeth aren’t replaced, as it could disrupt the growth of the underlying permanent tooth, you do not need to prioritize retrieving the lost tooth—though you should still contact their dentist and let them know!

If your child has had one of their permanent teeth knocked out, you should attempt to locate and secure the tooth after you’ve treated your child. You can gently pick the tooth up by its crown and rinse it off if necessary. In some cases, you might be able to place the tooth back in its socket by having your child bite down on gauze or a washcloth to hold it in place until you arrive at the dentist. If this isn’t possible, you can store the tooth in a cup of cold milk or your child’s saliva—but do not use water!

Step #3: Contact Your Child’s Emergency Dentist

Things might get a little hectic while you’re dealing with your child’s displaced tooth, but it’s important to remember to call your child’s emergency dentist quickly to schedule an appointment. Time is of the essence here, and the tooth has the best chance of being replaced if you’re able to get your child to the dentist within an hour. Your dentist can also inform you over the phone if there’s anything specific you need to do in the time leading up to your child’s visit.

A little quick thinking and following these steps can ensure that your little one receives the pain-relief and treatment they need upon having a tooth knocked out!

About the Practice

The team at Hamilton Pediatric Dental Care is honored to serve the pediatric dental needs of the Hamilton community. The practice is fortunate to house three skilled specialists: Dr. Michael Rullo, Dr. Hooman Arjomand, and Dr. Howard McIsaac. If your child has suffered a knocked-out tooth, don’t hesitate to schedule a visit promptly: +1 905-525-8272.